Now executing /etc/profile
Executed at login time.
System wide profile.
Should include pathing and basic shell variable values.

The bare minimum path.

export PATH
export MANPATH

Executing ~/.profile
Executed at login time.
User defined pathing and variables.

If the user want to add local pathing, it should be something like the

export PATH

Note, this shell appears to only execute the start up files on login.
all sub-process shells inherit their path and environment from the
parrent process. (from the /etc/profile and ~/.profile)

Now executing /etc/.login
Executed at login time.
System wide profile.
Should include pathing and basic shell variable values.

The bare minimum path.

set path=(/usr/local/bin /usr/bin /bin /usr/local/bin/X11 /usr/ucb /usr/local/java/java/bin)
set manpath=(/usr/man /usr/local/man)

Now executing ~/.cshrc
Executed at login time and when ever a shell is started up or spauned.
User defined pathing and variables.

If the user want to add local pathing, it should be something like the

set path=($path $HOME/bin .)

Now executing ~/.login
Executed at login time.
Users should add any environment variables or recodes the want to exist in their
interactive environment in this file.

an example of one would be as follows:
setenv EDITOR emacs


Now executing /etc/profile
Executed at login time.
System wide profile.
Should include pathing and basic shell variable values.

The bare minimum path.

export PATH
export MANPATH

Now executing ~/.bash_profile
Executed at login time.
User defined pathing and variables.

This file checkes for the existance of ~/.bashrc and sources it,
if it exists. (~/.bashrc is where the pathing should be added for
local users stuff.)

Local environmental variables should be added to this files.

Now Executing ~/.bashrc
Executed at login and when new shell is started up.
User defined pathing and variables.

If the user want to add local pathing, it should be something like the

export PATH

Now executing /etc/.login
Executed at login time.
System wide profile.
Should include pathing and basic shell variable values.

The bare minimum path.

set path=(/usr/local/bin /usr/bin /bin /usr/local/bin/X11 /usr/ucb /usr/local/java/java/bin)
set manpath=(/usr/man /usr/local/man)

Now executing ~/.cshrc
Executed at login time and when ever a shell is started up or spauned.
User defined pathing and variables.

If the user want to add local pathing, it should be something like the

set path=($path $HOME/bin .)

Now executing ~/.login
Executed at login time.
Users should add any environment variables or recodes the want to exist in their
interactive environment in this file.

an example of one would be as follows:
setenv EDITOR emacs



Now executing /etc/profile
Executed at login time.
System wide profile.
Should include pathing and basic shell variable values.

The bare minimum path.

export PATH

Executing ~/.profile
Executed at login time.
User defined pathing and variables.

If the user want to add local pathing, it should be something like the

export PATH

Note, this shell appears to only execute the start up files on login.
all sub-process shells inherit their path and environment from the
parrent process. (from the /etc/profile and ~/.profile)

Now executing /etc/csh.cshrc
Executed at login time and any time a shell is initialized
System wide file.
Should include pathing.

The bare minimum path.

setenv PATH "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/scripts:/usr/local/java/bin"

Now executing /etc/csh.login
Executed at login only.
System wide file.
Should include basic environment variables and interactive pathing

The bare minimum would be:

setenv MANPATH "/usr/man:/usr/local/man"
setenv EDITOR emacs

Now executing ~/.cshrc
Executed at login time and when ever a shell is started up or spauned.
User defined pathing and variables.

If the user want to add local pathing, it should be something like the

set path=($path $HOME/bin .)

Now executing ~/.login
Executed at login time.
Users should add any environment variables or recodes the want to exist in their
interactive environment in this file.

an example of one would be as follows:
setenv EDITOR emacs

Now executing /etc/profile
Executed at login time.
System wide profile.
Should include pathing and basic shell variable values.

The bare minimum path.

export PATH

Now executing ~/.bash_profile
Executed at login time.
User defined pathing and variables.

This file checkes for the existance of ~/.bashrc and sources it,
if it exists. (~/.bashrc is where the pathing should be added for
local users stuff.)

Local environmental variables should be added to this files.

Now Executing ~/.bashrc
Executed at login and when new shell is started up.
User defined pathing and variables.

If the user want to add local pathing, it should be something like the

export PATH

Now executing /etc/csh.cshrc

Now executing /etc/csh.login

Now executing ~/.cshrc
Sourcing SSU standard files
Now executing /usr/local/lib/ssu.cshrc
Now executing /usr/local/lib/ssu.alias
Sourcing users aliases files standard files
Now executing ~/.alias

Now executing ~/.login
Now executing /usr/local/lib/ssu.login


The systemwide initialization file, executed for login
The personal initialization file, executed for login
The individual per-interactive-shell startup file
Individual readline initialization file



When the shell executes a shell script that attempts to exe-
cute a non-existent command interpreter, the shell returns
an erroneous diagnostic message that the shell script file
does not exist.

~/.cshrc Read at beginning of execution by each
~/.login Read by login shells after .cshrc at
~/.logout Read by login shells at logout.
~/.history Saved history for use at next login.

When the shell executes a shell script that attempts to exe-
cute a non-existent command interpreter, the shell returns
an erroneous diagnostic message that the shell script file
does not exist.




/etc/csh.cshrc Read first by every shell. ConvexOS, Stel-
lix and Intel use /etc/cshrc and NeXTs use
/etc/cshrc.std. A/UX, AMIX, Cray and IRIX
have no equivalent in csh(1), but read this
file in tcsh anyway. Solaris 2.x does not
have it either, but tcsh reads /etc/.cshrc.

/etc/csh.login Read by login shells after /etc/csh.cshrc.
ConvexOS, Stellix and Intel use /etc/login,
NeXTs use /etc/login.std, Solaris 2.x uses
/etc/.login and A/UX, AMIX, Cray and IRIX
use /etc/cshrc.

~/.tcshrc (+) Read by every shell after /etc/csh.cshrc or
its equivalent.

~/.cshrc Read by every shell, if ~/.tcshrc doesn't
exist, after /etc/csh.cshrc or its
equivalent. This manual uses `~/.tcshrc' to
mean `~/.tcshrc or, if ~/.tcshrc is not
found, ~/.cshrc'.

~/.login Read by login shells after ~/.tcshrc or
~/.history. The shell may be compiled to
read ~/.login before instead of after
~/.tcshrc and ~/.history; see the version
shell variable.

~/.cshdirs (+) Read by login shells after ~/.login if
savedirs is set, but see also dirsfile.

/etc/csh.logout Read by login shells at logout. ConvexOS,
Stellix and Intel use /etc/logout and NeXTs
use /etc/logout.std. A/UX, AMIX, Cray and
IRIX have no equivalent in csh(1), but read
this file in tcsh anyway. Solaris 2.x does
not have it either, but tcsh reads
/etc/.cshrc. (+)

~/.logout Read by login shells at logout after
/etc/csh.logout or its equivalent.


The systemwide initialization file, executed for login shells

The personal initialization file, executed for login shells

The individual per-interactive-shell startup file

Individual readline initialization file